Oreo Cookie Ball


OREO Cookies, cream cheese, and chocolate: a simple recipe with endless possibilities! During the holiday season, there are a multitude of entertaining occasions, and this tasty treat always makes its way onto the dessert table. But, how do you keep a simple recipe from getting stale while still appealing to overwhelmed consumers searching for ideas?

Within a custom microsite, we created an advent calendar that refreshed daily with new recipe ideas and included shoppable links to purchase OREO cookies on Walmart.com. The site served as a daily source of recipe inspiration for shoppers, and a simple way to purchase all recipe ingredients in one place.

The Results

By focusing on holiday inspiration coupled with releasing new ideas each day, influencer recipes received over 1,200 engagements per post, exceeding category benchmarks by 2.1x!




Facebook Video Views

exceeded pre-campaign expectations by 379%


engagements per post

exceeded category benchmarks by 2.1X

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