Incredible ROI — Just One Reason You Should Go Omnichannel

Anamika Singh, Product Manager | October 21, 2022

Incredible ROI — Just One Reason You Should Go Omnichannel

You probably already know that reaching customers at multiple touchpoints — like events, direct mail, social media, search, email, etc. — is no longer an option but a necessity. You might even be using all of those channels already. But unless those channels are all working together, and focused on customer needs, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity to drive dealership traffic, increase sales and create shopper loyalty. 

Stop selling, and start meeting customer needs.

Omnichannel marketing is a shift from selling your cars or services using numerous channels to integrating those channels with a focus on satisfying the needs of customers. 

Today’s shoppers expect you to understand, and meet, their needs through seamless experiences everywhere they shop. Unfortunately, according to a joint study conducted by Google and the Boston Consulting Group, only 9% of businesses are doing this successfully. That’s a huge missed opportunity, because the 9% of businesses that DID focus on multi-touchpoint, omnichannel experiences:

  • Responded better to changing market dynamics
  • Were 2x more likely to grow their market share over a period of 1 year
  • Saved 29% more than their competitors
  • Earned 18% more revenue

In order to meet shopper needs, first you have to understand them.

An omnichannel marketing strategy is only as good as the data that drives it. Which means it’s crucial to identify and understand each of your prospective customer’s journeys by building an ecosystem fueled by data and driven by AI. Yes, that’s easier said than done. That’s why we’ve designed a suite of three marketing automation products — Conquest, Journey and Reactivation — that do the hard work for you.

Together, these three products will allow you to realize the full benefits of omnichannel marketing. 

By integrating external and internal data — as well as connecting multiple systems together to form one lean and powerful machine — this suite of products will finally give you a complete picture of your current and potential customers, so you can get to work meeting their needs. 

Do they really work? Our automotive customers:

  • Have seen an ROI of 7.5x on their investments
  • Know their prospective customers’ needs even before they arrive at their dealerships

Visit our Inmar Automotive to find out how we can help you transform your marketing strategy.

Anamika Singh, Product Manager